Rudmer van Dijk wrote:
> On Sunday 24 July 2005 22:52, Mark Shields wrote:
>>[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $ cat /proc/meminfo | grep Mem
>>MemTotal:      1034284 kB
>>MemFree:        953172 kB
>>Thanks for the tip.  But strangely, 12mb is still missing.

Could it be shared ram taken for an on board graphics card?

I know the one in this box used to be anywhere from 4MB to 64MB iirc -
replaced it with a seperate board now.

> that's better than here:
> rudmer:~ # cat /proc/meminfo | grep Mem
> MemTotal:      1026304 kB
> MemFree:         79152 kB
> that's almost 22MB...
> and that's what Richard already said probably a BIOS setting which you 
> shouldn't try to disable to get a couple of MB's more.
>       Rudmer

Tim Igoe
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - Personal Site - UK TV Guide

"Computers are like Air-con, open windows and they stop working!"

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