Daniel D Jones <ddjo...@riddlemaster.org> wrote:

> Running the command:
> find -name *.ext | xargs -0 rm
> I get the result:
> rm: cannot remove `Long File Name One.ext\nLong File Name Two.ext\nLong File 
> Name Three.ext\n': File name too long.
> (The actual list is much longer than this, of course, or I wouldn't be using 
> xargs.)  For some reason, the \n isn't being recognized as a separator but 
> rather as a part of a single long file name.  Don't think $IFS would affect a 
> command like rm but it doesn't appear to be the issue:
> ddjo...@merlin ~ $ set | grep IFS
> IFS=$' \t\n'
> I don't see any other ser variable which looks like a likely candidate to 
> cause the behavior.  Anyone have a clue what's going on?
Why do you have -0 -- this replaces the \n's with a null character -- is
that what you want?

Your life is like a penny.  You're going to lose it.  The question is:
How do
you spend it?

         John Covici

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