On 5/27/10, Iain Buchanan <iai...@netspace.net.au> wrote:
> On Wed, 2010-05-26 at 17:45 +0000, James wrote:
>> Folks,
>> I just had to share this.....
>> So I read the Linux journal, mostly to do my
>> part to keep publications about Linux alive.
>> Occationally they write about something cool,
>> though rarely  related to Gentoo....
> FTA:
>         The Web site provides a lovely binary installer that feels much
>         like that of a commercial game. You can compile the game from
>         source if you want, but would you really do that when you can
>         simply click Next, Next, Next?
> *sigh*
>> So I read about a very cool submarine game today
>> on LJ:
>> http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/danger-deep
>> Only to discover it's already in portage.
>> KUDOS to the Gentoo game devs for being
>> on top of this one........
> Doesn't run here.  Something to do with getting the available
> resolutions:
> must be returning nothing, because later when it tests the resolution it
> wants to use against the resolutions available:
> for (list<vector2i>::const_iterator it = available_resolutions.begin(); it
> != available_resolutions.end(); ++it) {
>       if (*it == vector2i(res_x_, res_y_)) {
>               ok = true;
>               break;
>       }
> }
> if (!ok)
>       throw invalid_argument("invalid resolution requested!");
> I get the exception.  No matter what res I specify on the command
> line :(
> $ dangerdeep
> Caught exception: invalid resolution requested!
> Anyone know about SDL?

I really don't, but I'm just wondering if you are looking at the 0.3.0
source tarball code or their svn trunk? system.cpp is quite different
in the trunk, including changes which probably should add support for
"less common" screen sizes and modes.

Arttu V.

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