CJoeB wrote:

First, I have searched the archives and didn't find anything that seemed
to help.

The main issue here is with digikam.  I used to have it working, but
some upgrade or other seemed to screw things up.

Digikam loads just fine.  It recognizes and displays the pictures in the
folders on my hard drive.  When my camera is plugged in and I select
"Import -->  Camera", my camera appears in the list (not the specific
model, but it recognizes that it is a Canon).  However, the images on
the camera are not displayed.  I tried entering the camera manually.
Doing this, it wants a mount point which defaults to /mnt/camera.  If I
then select "Import-->Camera", I get the message "Failed to connect to
camera".  The correct mount point was created.  BTW, I AM a member of
the plugdev group.

As a side issue, if I assume that I need to mount the camera manually, I
have always used the kwikdisk utility that is part of KDE.  Despite the
fact that this appears as a menu item, it won't load.  Equery tells me
that this belongs to the kdf package and I tried re-emerging kdf, but
kwikdisk still fails to load.

I am at a loss here and don't know what to do next.  If anyone can help,
I need to be "led by the nose".

One would think that things would get easier to use in Linux, but that
isn't the case here.



Are you also in the USB group? My Canon is USB and I had to be in it for the camera to work. You may want to try running as root. If it works then, it's a permissions issue. If not, it may be hardware/software.

Also, I use gtkam to get my pics. It works pretty well. I just happen to like the way I can do the names when I download.


:-)  :-)

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