Dru Kargin <drukar...@gmail.com> [10-05-29 18:08]:
> > Hi,
> >
> > while installing a new system from ground up on my new harddisc
> > I came accross a silly problem:
> >
> > I have setup X and slim as login manager. I installed openbox
> > (no kde/gnome) as session manager.
> >
> > Slim starts...and: The keyboard and the mouse are not responding...
> >
> > Same happens when I start plain X as root. Screen remains black
> > and I have to use the sysreq-keys to get my box back to normal...
> >
> > The X-logfile shows as only Error, that the GLX-module could not be
> > found.
> >
> > I am using nvidia-drivers and reinstalled them as adviced but the
> > effect remains the same.
> >
> > hald is running. fonts are installed (at least the default ones).
> >
> > Also installed are:
> > x11-drivers/xf86-input-evdev Generic Linux input driver
> > x11-drivers/xf86-input-keyboard Keyboard input driver
> > x11-drivers/xf86-input-mouse X.Org driver for mouse input devices
> >
> > eselect opengl set nvidia is done.
> >
> > What is missing? Why dies this not work (my old system running on
> > the same hardware using the same setup in principle has no problem
> > at all with X/Openbox.
> >
> > Why does X only half???
> >
> > Thank you very much in advance for any help!
> >
> > Best regards,
> > mcc
> >   
> Are your keyboard and mouse "InputDevice"s in xorg.conf configured to
> use the evdev driver, and does your "ServerLayout" section contain
> InputDevice lines to correctly point to those devices?  I have had some
> weird problems with slim, but never trouble like you describe with plain
> X/twm.
> -Dru

I copied the working xconf from my old system to my new one and had
never modified/hacked  the installation paths of those applikations.
So I exspect that at least X will give me that greyish screen with
an moveable X as cursor (was it that way...its lon ago that I need
to call X the plain way.).

Why could the GLX module not found???


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