Alex Schuster wrote:
Dale writes:

For the record, hda and hdb are not even mounted.  I am currently using
hdc for the OS.  The drive used to be a lot faster than this.  I used
it for my OS a good while back and recently used it for /var/portage
and /usr/portage.  I'm not sure what has changed so I can't figure out
why it is so slow.  Anyone see something I am missing?  All I see is
the others are udma6 while it is udma5.  It has always been that way

hdb is in slave mode, maybe this slows things down? If you want to be
sure, you could exchange hda and hdb (that is, exchange a jumper so master
becomes slave and vice versa, unless you have it set to 'cable select'),
and check again.


It hasn't mattered in the past. I'm not sure why it should matter now. I really don't see how it could matter at all really. Heck, my DVD drive is slow as it gets, its udma4, but hdc is on the same cable and it is one of the faster drives I have. That would exclude sda of course. Those two drives has been in there this way for ages and used to be pretty close as far as speed.

I'm thinking age is catching up on the drive myself.


:-)  :-)

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