On Sun, 13 Jun 2010 23:37:44 +0100, David W Noon wrote:

> >Dovecot will store them where you tell it to. You could have easily
> >stored them all in a single directory like /var/virtual/mail/user, or
> >even used a hashed directory scheme (which might be desirable for very
> >large installations like ISPs)...  
> IIRC, that means that I have to give universal write access, perhaps
> with a "sticky" bit, on that directory. 

You don't, you only have to make it group writeable by mail, although I
don't think that is absolutely necessary. Each user's mail is kept in a
separate subdirectory, so they only need access to their own directory.

Neil Bothwick

Don't count the days, make the days count.

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