On Monday 21 June 2010 23:44:58 Michael Sullivan wrote:
> I just rebooted the computer to make sure this wasn't some weird RAM
> remnant, but the computer booted up:

Everything below is correct. What makes you think its wrong?

testparm does not dump a config file, it tells you what setting are IN EFFECT.

"writeable=yes" and "read only = No" are exactly the same thing. You used the 
former, samba uses the latter internally and translated it.

There is no problem here.

> carter ~ # /etc/init.d/samba status
>  * status:  started
> carter ~ # cat /etc/samba/smb.conf
> [global]
> workgroup = MYGROUP
> security = user
> encrypt passwords = yes
> guest account = guest
> wins support = yes
> local master = yes
> os level = 99
> domain master = yes
> preferred master = yes
> hosts allow = 192.168.1. 127.
> interfaces = eth0
> [tmp]
> path=/tmp
> writeable=yes
> [homes]
> path=/samba/michael
> valid users=michael
> writable=yes
> carter ~ # testparm
> Load smb config files from /etc/samba/smb.conf
> rlimit_max: rlimit_max (1024) below minimum Windows limit (16384)
> Processing section "[tmp]"
> Processing section "[homes]"
> Loaded services file OK.
> Server role: ROLE_STANDALONE
> Press enter to see a dump of your service definitions
> [global]
>       workgroup = MYGROUP
>       interfaces = eth0
>       guest account = guest
>       os level = 99
>       preferred master = Yes
>       domain master = Yes
>       wins support = Yes
>       hosts allow = 192.168.1., 127.
> [tmp]
>       path = /tmp
>       read only = No
> [homes]
>       path = /samba/michael
>       valid users = michael
>       read only = No
> At the top there you see that Samba IS started.  Under that you see MY
> smb.conf, and at the bottom you see the smb.conf that's being loaded.
> Nothing really in the logs that would suggest what's going on here:
> carter ~ # cat /var/log/samba/*
> cat: /var/log/samba/cores: Is a directory
> [2010/06/21 16:39:34,  0] nmbd/nmbd.c:854(main)
>   nmbd version 3.4.6 started.
>   Copyright Andrew Tridgell and the Samba Team 1992-2009
> [2010/06/21 16:39:34,  0] nmbd/asyncdns.c:155(start_async_dns)
>   started asyncdns process 20980
> [2010/06/21 16:39:34,  0]
> nmbd/nmbd_become_dmb.c:337(become_domain_master_browser_wins)
>   become_domain_master_browser_wins:
>   Attempting to become domain master browser on workgroup MYGROUP,
> [2010/06/21 16:39:34,  0]
> nmbd/nmbd_become_dmb.c:351(become_domain_master_browser_wins)
>   become_domain_master_browser_wins: querying WINS server from IP
> for domain master browser name MYGROUP<1b> on workgroup
> [2010/06/21 16:39:40,  0]
> nmbd/nmbd_become_dmb.c:110(become_domain_master_stage2)
>   *****
>   Samba server CARTER is now a domain master browser for workgroup
>   *****
> [2010/06/21 16:39:40,  0]
> nmbd/nmbd_become_dmb.c:292(become_domain_master_browser_bcast)
>   become_domain_master_browser_bcast:
>   Attempting to become domain master browser on workgroup MYGROUP on
> subnet
> [2010/06/21 16:39:40,  0]
> nmbd/nmbd_become_dmb.c:305(become_domain_master_browser_bcast)
>   become_domain_master_browser_bcast: querying subnet for
> domain master browser on workgroup MYGROUP
> [2010/06/21 16:39:48,  0]
> nmbd/nmbd_become_dmb.c:110(become_domain_master_stage2)
>   *****
>   Samba server CARTER is now a domain master browser for workgroup
> MYGROUP on subnet
>   *****
> [2010/06/21 16:39:56,  0]
> nmbd/nmbd_become_lmb.c:395(become_local_master_stage2)
>   *****
>   Samba name server CARTER is now a local master browser for workgroup
> MYGROUP on subnet
>   *****
> [2010/06/21 16:39:33,  0] smbd/server.c:1073(main)
>   smbd version 3.4.6 started.
>   Copyright Andrew Tridgell and the Samba Team 1992-2009
> [2010/06/21 16:39:33,  0] printing/print_cups.c:103(cups_connect)
>   Unable to connect to CUPS server /var/run/cups/cups.sock:631 - No such
> file or directory
> [2010/06/21 16:39:33,  0] printing/print_cups.c:103(cups_connect)
>   Unable to connect to CUPS server /var/run/cups/cups.sock:631 - No such
> file or directory
> [2010/06/21 16:39:34,  0] smbd/server.c:457(smbd_open_one_socket)
>   smbd_open_once_socket: open_socket_in: Address already in use
> [2010/06/21 16:39:34,  0] smbd/server.c:457(smbd_open_one_socket)
>   smbd_open_once_socket: open_socket_in: Address already in use

alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

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