On Thu, 24 Jun 2010 09:22:56 -0500, Dale wrote:

> > @world includes @system. But the problem is not that emerge world is
> > skipping it but that it wants to downgrade gcc:4.4.
> >      
>  From my understanding, world includes @system but @world does not.  I 
> know here on my rig, I run emerge -uvDNa world and it updates
> everything installed including deps and the system packages.  If I run
> @world, it skips the system packages.  At least that is the last time I
> tried it which was not to long ago.
> One reason I remember this is because of the discussion I had with the 
> devs on -dev.  That is why @system is in /var/lib/portage/world_sets.
> I noticed a few weeks ago that there are a couple others added to it as 
> well.  The devs did it that way so that when folks like me upgrade the 
> old fashioned way and just use world instead of @system and @world.
> Has this changed?

No, the world_sets file still includes @system by default, which is why
@world includes @system.

The additions are from when you emerged sets, which adds then to

Neil Bothwick

Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere may be happy.

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