On Wed, Jun 30, 2010 at 9:05 AM, Kyle Bader <kyle.ba...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Since space is a issue for you, you really only need the kernel sources
>>> for the kernel you are using.  One could argue that if you have a well
>>> built kernel and don't plan to change it in the future, you could
>>> remove its sources too.  I would save a copy of the config tho.
>> I'd certainly argue that. A single set of sources can take up more than
>> half a gigabyte after compilation. If you use make install to install the
>> kernel, it puts a backup of the config in /boot automatically.
> It is also good to keep the System.map and vmlinux file in case you or
> someone else needs to debug your kernel traces.
> --
> Kyle

Also, if you want to get rid of source but keep the tree you can do
make clean (I think) to get rid of the stuff that got built.

Always keep .confg AND make sure your running kernel supports
/proc/config.gz as a second means of not losing info.


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