On 2010-07-02, Alan McKinnon <alan.mckin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Friday 02 July 2010 12:01:09 Nuno J. Silva wrote:
>> Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com> writes:
>> > Grant Edwards wrote:
>> >> On 2010-07-02, Nicolas Sebrecht<nicolas.s-...@laposte.net>  wrote:
>> >>> I'm often stucked by the current policy in this mailing list changing
>> >>> the 'Reply-To' header to the mailing list address.  Most mailing
>> >>> lists I use don't do that.
>> >>> 
>> >>> It is usually better and prefer the "answer to all" policy as it
>> >>> permit to be notified of an answer without having to track the whole
>> >>> mailing list.

> Or, he could use a mailer that understands mailing lists, like kmail. There 
> are others.
> Filter list mail into a folder, and tell the mailer it is for a list.
> Decide how you want to reply and press (the composer deals with it correctly):
> l - reply to list
> a - reply to all
> R - reply to original sender
> r - reply to whatever seems to be default reply address.
> So instead of blindly clicking reply and getting all upset about the
> outcome, just press one key and the mailer obeys YOUR intent.

His intent is to receive direct replies to his posts.  I don't see how
his choice of mail client has any impact on that.

> Problem solved.

Not really.  The OP's choice of mail client isn't going to change what
happens when people reply to his postings.  He wants "reply-to" to
contain his address as well as the list address so that he gets a
direct response and doesn't have to bother to check the mailing list
for replies.

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! Hey, wait
                                  at               a minute!!  I want a
                              gmail.com            divorce!! ... you're not
                                                   Clint Eastwood!!

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