On Sunday 25 July 2010 06:57:43 KH wrote:
> > You said you ran e2fsck and it was OK. What was the command?
> >
> > 
> >
> > Normally with an e2fsck on a journalled fs, the app will replay the
> > journal  and make a few minor checks. This takes about 4 seconds, not
> > the 40 minutes it takes to do a ful ext2 check.
> >
> > 
> >
> > I think you might need to fsck without the journal. I know there's a way
> > to do  this but a cursory glance at the man page didn't reveal it. Maybe
> > an ext user will chip in with the correct method
> >
> > 
> > 
> > 
> Hi,
> I ran on the two partitions e2fsck /dev/sde3 as well as fsck.ext3
> /dev/sde3 . Yes, it only took some seconds.

It's been a long time since I used ext3 so some of this might be wrong.

An fsck that takes a few seconds is using the journal, which might not uncover 
deeper corruption. You should try disabling the journal (I couldn't find the 
way to do that though), but this will also work:

Boot of a LiveCD, mount your root partition somewhere using type "ext2" and 
fsck it. This will invalidate the journal but that's OK, it gets recreated on 
the next proper boot. Let the fsck finish - it will take a while on a large 

When done, reboot as normal and see if the machine boots up properly.

alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

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