On 07/30/2010 09:26 AM, Mark David Dumlao wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 11:51 PM, Bill Longman <bill.long...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> The profile affects the default USE settings. This is a very important
>> Gentoo concept.
> emerge --info eix on both machines:
> PC:
> app-portage/eix-0.20.5 was built with the following:
> USE="bzip2 (multilib) nls sqlite -debug -doc -hardened -optimization
> -strong-optimization -tools"
> LDFLAGS="-Wl,-O1"
> server:
> app-portage/eix-0.20.5 was built with the following:
> USE="bzip2 nls sqlite -debug -doc -hardened -optimization
> -strong-optimization -tools"
> LDFLAGS="-Wl,-O1"
> The only difference between the USE flags of both machines is that my
> local eix was built with multilib. I don't know any documentation
> references that say how that should affect eix output settings, which
> shouldn't be related.
> Just to clarify, emerge detects that the packages are keyworded on
> both machines. It's just not being outputted by eix. And there's no
> reason why multilib should cause eix to change the output settings.

I mean to say that the profile sets the *global* USE settings. If you
were to compare "euse -i" between the two machines, you would see that
some flags are "+D" and some are "+C", for instance. The ones that are
set by the profile are "+D". If you peruse the portage/profiles you'll
see that the make.defaults files are setting different USE values. Not
to mention that you are on different architectures between the two, so
some packages will be masked and some not depending upon the
architecture. It's not a matter of how eix was built, it's a matter of
the configuration of the host.

Is that what you were trying to resolve? Or do I not understand your
question? Can you put a package mask in just *any* file below
package.keywords/ and as long as it matches it will be valid?

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