On Mon, 16 Aug 2010 20:54:02 +0200
Roman Dobosz <gry...@op.pl> wrote:

> Vendor_info    : 'PIONEER '
> Identifikation : 'DVD-RW  DVR-216D'
> Revision       : '1.08'
Damn. So this was really Pioneer (and partially my) fault. After
firmware upgrading, cdrecord is working just fine. Unfortunately
growisofs doesn't work :/ Seems that I'll stick with cdrecord

Thanks for your help, Jörg - after all you've directed my thoughts
about firmware :)

      -^-  _        coś tam w tle sobie gra, np:
   _ /O)_\//        Blindead - Phaze III: Blood Bond
  (_(|__(_(_) grf.  

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