> > On Thu, 28 Jul 2005 11:45:02 +0600, simply change wrote:
> > i usually update my portage to upto date & try to download all new
> > files to my box for later emerging(emerge -e world). de following error
> > message came. so please help me...
just find jpeg-mmx-1.1.2-r1.ebuild on google and copy to 
the /usr/portage/media-libs/jpeg-mmx/

The chat program is in public domain.  This is not the GNU public license.
If it breaks then you get to keep both pieces.
        -- Copyright notice for the chat program
# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# $Header: 
/var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-libs/jpeg-mmx/jpeg-mmx-1.1.2-r1.ebuild,v 1.17 
2004/07/01 08:35:07 eradicator Exp $

inherit libtool flag-o-matic eutils

DESCRIPTION="JPEG library with mmx enhancements"

KEYWORDS="-* x86"



src_unpack() {
        unpack ${P}.tar.gz
        cd ${S}
        epatch ${FILESDIR}/${PV}-gcc34.patch

src_compile() {
        # Doesn't work with -fomit-frame-pointer, at least not on k6-2.
        # Someone mentioned that this may be a k6 issue only; I have
        # just a k6-2 to test it on, so I'll just adjust it for the
        # machine I can test.
        is-flag "-march=k6-3" && strip-flags "-fomit-frame-pointer"
        is-flag "-march=k6-2" && strip-flags "-fomit-frame-pointer"
        is-flag "-march=k6" && strip-flags "-fomit-frame-pointer"

        econf --enable-shared || die "configure failed"
        emake || die "make failed"

src_install() {
        dodir /usr/{include/jpeg-mmx,lib}
        make \
                includedir=${D}/usr/include/jpeg-mmx \
                prefix=${D}/usr \
                install || die "install failed"

        mv ${D}/usr/lib/libjpeg.la ${D}/usr/lib/libjpeg-mmx.la
        mv ${D}/usr/lib/libjpeg.so.62.0.0 ${D}/usr/lib/libjpeg-mmx.so.62.0.0
        rm ${D}/usr/lib/libjpeg.so
        ln -s /usr/lib/libjpeg-mmx.so.62.0.0 ${D}/usr/lib/libjpeg-mmx.so
        rm ${D}/usr/lib/libjpeg.so.62
        ln -s /usr/lib/libjpeg-mmx.so.62.0.0 ${D}/usr/lib/libjpeg-mmx.so.62
        dodoc README change.log structure.doc libjpeg.doc

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