On 08/16/2010 02:29 PM, Mark Knecht wrote:
> Hi all,
>    I know nothing about this sort of stuff so I don't know where to
> even start looking. Thanks in advance for any pointers.
>    Here's the setup: My desktop machine is a new, fast Core i7 980x
> processor. It is capable of doing emerge -e @world (including XFCE4,
> Gnome and KDE) in around 4 hours. On the other hand my MythTV backend
> server is an old PowerPC which takes literally days (2? 3? 4?) to do
> the same thing with only fluxbox on the system. While this was OK a
> few years ago it's not something I'm enjoying much anymore. (Did I
> then?)
>    So, the question is can I somehow set up an environment on my AMD64
> machine where I build PowerPC binary packages using emerge, ssh them
> over to the Mac and then emerge them there to get the machine up to
> date quickly? What do I read to understand how to do this?
>    Note that it's fine to build the kernel, ymboot and machine
> specific stuff on the Mac as that's very minimal.

You want to get your hands on the crossdev package. There's LOTS of
stuff to know to get this to work right. But people use cross compilers
every day all day.

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