On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 03:28:21PM -0700, walt wrote

> Does your BIOS let you set the AGP aperture manually?  Couldn't hurt to make
> it bigger if you're able.  The comment about 'stolen memory' sounds a bit 
> evil ;)

  The BIOS only has options for 32/64/128 megabytes.  Intel cheaped out
with the on-board graphics, and used system ram, instead of its own ram.
I have 8 gigs on the machine, so 256 megs wouldn't hurt.

> I'm wondering if console framebuffer support is really necessary for Intel
> graphics chips, I dunno.  You could try disabling it in your kernel config
> to see if it make any difference.

  Selecting the i915 driver, or VESA, automatically forces framebuffer.
Any other selection, and X won't work.  Framebuffer is right down there
with hal and dbus in my list of unfavourite drivers.  Unfortunately, the
only other option is some form of VESA, which also requires framebuffer.

Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>

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