On 08/17/2010 06:43 AM, Mike Edenfield wrote:
> On 8/16/2010 2:13 PM, Stéphane Guedon wrote:
>> I have read several things about this, but never really solved !
>> Can I emerge a 32bits software on 64bits platform with a multilib profile ?
>> All my web browsers (konqueror, opera, chromium, firefox) are 64bits, 
>> whereas 
>> flash player exist currently in 32bits. So, I need to have 32bits browser ! 
>> Can 
>> I emerge ?

Well, you can certainly make a 32 bit chroot directory and compile
things in there. That works on x86_64 quite nicely. (Never tried it on
the sparcs 'coz I got rid of the SPARCstations long ago.)

I don't know how you'd peel out the results of your compile and place
them into your 64 bit "host" without mucking up things. I guess you
could use binpkg or some such but you'd still have the problem of
unwrapping the 32 bit pkg in your 64 bit host. Yuck.

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