On 08/26/2010 06:07 AM, Aaron Bauman wrote:
> All,
>    I bought a new Toshiba T215D-S1150 with a AMD Athlon II Neo
> Processor.  I am currently having issues with the livecd not booting. 
> Everything seems to get stuck on an NeT RPC error while the kernel is
> booting.  I was able to successfully install Ubuntu (Netbook Remix and
> 10.x).  From there I was able to chroot and install Gentoo.  Upon reboot
> I was not able to boot the kernel yet again.  I have chrooted back in
> several times and still have failed to find the proper kernel version or
> configuration that will boot my system.  Any support or help would be
> greatly appreciated.

You should post the lspci from ubuntu, so we can give some suggestions.
We're flying blind right now.

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