
Le 01/09/2010 12:21, Arnau Bria a écrit :
> so, anyone with more experience could help me? is there a real problem
> with the ebuild? or the problem is mine? (most probable :-) ).

An error was introduced in the latest version of the ebuild.

DEPEND="server? || ( =dev-ruby/stomp-1.1 >=dev-ruby/stomp-1.1.6 )
DEPEND="server? ( =dev-ruby/stomp-1.1 >=dev-ruby/stomp-1.1.6 )

as suggested by Alex. Previous version of the ebuild is functionnal, so
emerge -pv =mcollective-0.4.7
works fine.

Btw, you should keep the portage categories in your overlay, so the
mcollective package would be under dev-ruby, not multi-tool. However,
there’s no obligation ;)

Sincerely yours,

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