On Saturday 02 October 2010 11:31:38 meino.cra...@gmx.de wrote:
> Hi,
> fetchmail's log told me, that there is something wrong with the setup
> of the certificats.
> In the log there is the following section
>     fetchmail: Server certificate:
>     fetchmail: Issuer Organization: Thawte Consulting cc
>     fetchmail: Issuer CommonName: Thawte Premium Server CA
>     fetchmail: Subject CommonName: pop.gmx.net
>     fetchmail: pop.gmx.net key fingerprint:
> A6:57:BC:4A:97:AD:DB:99:00:E9:3A:B8:81:55:D7:B6 fetchmail: Server
> certificate verification error: unable to get local issuer certificate
> fetchmail: This means that the root signing certificate (issued for
> /C=DE/ST=Bayern/L=Munich/O=GMX GmbH/CN=pop.gmx.net) is not in the trusted
> CA certificate locations, or that c_rehash needs to be run on the
> certificate directory. For details, please see the documentation of
> --sslcertpath and --sslcertfile in the manual page. fetchmail: Server
> certificate:
>     fetchmail: Issuer Organization: Thawte Consulting cc
>     fetchmail: Issuer CommonName: Thawte Premium Server CA
>     fetchmail: Subject CommonName: pop.gmx.net
>     fetchmail: Server certificate verification error: certificate not
> trusted fetchmail: Server certificate:
>     fetchmail: Issuer Organization: Thawte Consulting cc
>     fetchmail: Issuer CommonName: Thawte Premium Server CA
>     fetchmail: Subject CommonName: pop.gmx.net
>     fetchmail: Server certificate verification error: unable to verify the
> first certificate fetchmail: Warning: the connection is insecure,
> continuing anyways. (Better use --sslcertck!)
> In beforehand I did the following:
> From the output of this command
>     #> openssl s_client -connect pop.gmx.net:995 -showcerts
> I copied the section
>     -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
>     CxMfQ2VydGlmaWNhdGlvbiBTZXJ2aWNlcyBEaXZpc2lvbjEhMB8GA1UEAxMYVGhh
>     d3RlIFByZW1pdW0gU2VydmVyIENBMSgwJgYJKoZIhvcNAQkBFhlwcmVtaXVtLXNl
>     k+ShUtukV1746nqJto70+4oNhCYJ33mMw+vS5fODjuggG+Z1xcL5YU8mUyG2E7fH
>     YkfNtHHMhRntN15ml7Kv3c52kmOI09r2psnlNPkkNx5shneON8jZfXYlqQq5Vq1l
>     hi9odHRwOi8vY3JsLnRoYXd0ZS5jb20vVGhhd3RlU2VydmVyUHJlbWl1bUNBLmNy
>     BQUAA4GBAF/BVQRh2QOAtH8491d2XIKqdRZNY4OUMh6qccb0xLGNTDx3E4iwoYHc
>     yi2axElQG+7VAEIbDftzfhVUttsPwLI0BM2Nvz6KkwnlrJmt9HuZOjyv9M6szCxX
>     jHqVXkTDtrvRzT3hHTLD63l4PAqAUDpR4Th4N23IyxpgVqmYZwoJ
>     -----END CERTIFICATE-----
> into a file "pop.gmx.net.pem" and copied ths file into
> /etc/fetchmail/certs
> Than I downloaded the whole package of root certificates from here
> https://www.verisign.com/support/thawte-roots.zip
> unpacked it and copied each *.pem file into /etc/fetchmail/certs also.
> I renamend the files to not to contain blanks with detox.
> Then I run as root the command
>     $> c_rehash /etc/fetchmail/certs
> I checked /etc/fetchmail/certs and found all files being symlinked to
> something which looks like hash keys (?).
> c_hash does not submit any error message.
> After this I added below the poll section of my accounts
> $HOME/.fetchmailrc the following line:
>     sslcertpath /etc/fetchmail/certs
> Nonetheless fetchmail complains about local certifcates.
> What do I have to do to fix this ?
> Best regards and thank you for any help in advance!
> mcc

Sendmail and I think fetchmail (haven't used the latter yet) do a strict check 
of certs against a local store.  The error above tells you to add to your 
.fetchmailrc the option of sslcertck.  Did you do that?

So your .fetchmailrc should show something like:

user 'm...@gmx_whatever.com' with pass "123456"  is 'mcc' here options ssl 
sslcertck  sslcertpath '/etc/fetchmail/certs'

If you have done the above and still does not work then the problem may be 
that the user you are running fetchmail as does not have read access to your 
/etc/fetchmail/certs.  Change that to a ~/fetchmail/.certs and it should work.


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