On Tue, Oct 05, 2010 at 11:27:54PM -0400, Walter Dnes wrote

>   Looks like I can tweak stuff in the ebuild via "mozconfig_annotate"
> lines, and then...
> ebuild firefox-3.6.9.ebuild manifest
> emerge firefox

  Something isn't working.  I put in
mozconfig_annotate '' --disable-pango
mozconfig_annotate '' --disable-oji --disable-mathml

into the ebuild (a copy in my local overlay) and ebuild-manifested it.
Portage said it was building from the overlay, but "about:buildconfig"
shows them as being enabled.  I have been able to
--disable-necko-wifi (WTF is *THAT* in a browser, fercryingoutloud?).

  Any ideas?  A long time ago, in a place far away, I used to build
Mozilla 0.9x "the hard way", because the downloadable binary was
painfully slow on my machine.  And later on Phoenix 0.9x (remember
that?).  I've forgotten most of what I learned, but I can follow the
instructions at https://developer.mozilla.org/En/Simple_Firefox_build
I have a couple of questions before proceeding...
1) what do I have to set to force all files to be installed in /opt or
in /usr/local ?
2) I've got 8 gigs of ram.  How do I force the compiler to use /dev/shm
as the scratch directory ?

Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>

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