Momesso Andrea <> wrote:

> Quoting Andrea Conti <>:
> > On 07/10/2010 18:45, Momesso Andrea wrote:
> >
> >> Setting up a public key, would do the job, but then, all the connections
> >> between the servers would be passwordless, so if server A gets
> >> compromised, also server B is screwed.
> >
> > Well, not really... public key authentication works on a per-user basis,
> > so all you get is that some user with a specific key can log in as some
> > other user of B without typing a password.
> >
> > Of course, if you authorize a given key for logging in as r...@b, then
> > what you said is true. But that is a problem with the specific setup.
> >
> >> Is there a way to allow only one single command from a single cronjob to
> >> operate passwordless, while keeping all the other connections secured by
> >> a password?
> >
> > You can't do that on a per-command basis. You'd be trying to control the
> > authentication method accepted by sshd on B according to which command
> > is run on A -- something sshd on B knows nothing about.
> >
> > I would try the following way:
> >
> > - Set up an unprivileged user on B -- let's call it foo -- which can
> > only write to its own home directory, /home/foo.
> >
> > - add the public key you will be using (*) to f...@b's authorized_keys
> > file. You should set the key's options to
> > 'pattern="<address_of_A>",no-pty,command="/usr/bin/scp -t -- /home/foo"'
> > (man sshd for details).
> >
> > - chattr +i /home/foo/.ssh/authorized_keys, so that the file can only be
> > changed by a superuser (you can't just chown the file to root as sshd is
> > quite anal about the permissions of the authorized_keys file)
> >
> > Now your cron job on A can do "scp <file> f...@b:/home/foo" without the
> > need for entering a password; you just have to set up another cron job
> > on B that picks up the file from /home/foo and puts it where it should
> > go with the correct permissions, possibly after doing a sanity check on
> > its contents.
> >
> > If you use something else than scp, (e.g. rsync) you should also adjust
> > the command option in the key options above.
> > Note that the option refers to what is run on B, not on A. Also, it is
> > *not* an authorization directive à la /etc/sudoers (i.e., it does not
> > specify what commands the user is allowed to run): it simply overwrites
> > whichever command is requested by the client side of the ssh connection,
> > so that, for example, the client cannot request a shell or do "cat
> > <somefile>".
> >
> > (*) You can either use the key of the user running the cron job on A, or
> > generate a separate key which is only used for the copy operation. In
> > this case, you will need to tell scp the location of the private key
> > file with the -i option.
> >
> > HTH,
> > andrea
> >
> >
> Thank you all for your fast replies, I think I'll use all of your suggestions:
> -create an unprivilegied user with no shell access as Stroller and
> Andrea suggested
> -I'll setup a passwordless key for this user, only limited to a single
> command, as Willie
> suggested
> This sounds pretty sane to me.
I think for ssh to work the user needs a valid shell, not nologin, so
you can't do both of those suggestions.]

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         John Covici

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