On 7/31/05, Mark Knecht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So far I cannot even kill the thing. kill -9 pid or killall -9 unison
> act like they killed it but ps aux says the process is still there.
> It's even there if I try killing the gui in Gnome. The gui goes away
> but the process persists.
> Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong?
> Thanks,
> Mark

Even worse, I cannot even reboot the machine after this event. I have
to hit the reset button. Bummer.

Possibly this problem is really an NFS issue or a 1394 issue? Neither
of these are overly tested, at least on my system under Gentoo. I ran
the same system with FC2 for quite awhile. 1394 worked fine as far as
I could tell, but I never used NFS much and I only jsut set up NFS
today to try out Unison so maybe it's one of those systems causing the

So far I haven't found a log file, most probably because the program
crashes before it can do anything.


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