Stroller <> [10-10-31 02:26]:
> On 30 Oct 10, at 6:25pm, wrote:
> > ...
> > I am looking for a tool to simply put the contents of xmltv-files into
> > a MySQL database.
> > I googled a lot this day and found some tools but some does not use
> > MySQL (for example one uses Postgresql) other have started a project
> > but do not release any code. And lot tools are part of very very big
> > packages and cannot be cut out of them in a simple way.
> > 
> > I only want a xmltv-reader which feeds the data into MySQL. Everything 
> > else is done elsewhere...
> I think the best answer to this is "MythTV". 
> A week ago you asked about waking your computer up at certain times to record 
> TV. 
> Earlier today you were asking for something to schedule recordings. I would 
> have replied then and suggested MythTV or atd, but you'd already had a reply 
> you were happy with by the time I saw it.
> Now you're trying to fix another problem which has already been solved by 
> MythTV.
> What are you going to do when you find that shows are running late and the 
> bash script you've bodged together cuts off the last 5 minutes of Inspector 
> Morse? You will never know whodunnit!! MythTV automatically pads the program 
> by a few minutes, except when this would clash with another program.
> MythTV has thousands of lines of code already written to solve the problems 
> associated with recording and watching TV on a computer. All the stuff you've 
> asked for already, MythTV started addressing years ago. 
> Will your script be able to record two shows at once, using a single tuner? 
> MythTV can.
> I understand where you're coming from, wanting to do this yourself, but I 
> think you're going to be continually wanting to add features to your solution.
> Having said that, I think you could probably use Perl. I think there is an 
> xmltv module in CPAN, and you'll find about a zillion articles on the web 
> about using Perl to shove stuff into databases. 
> Is there any reason your database has to be MySQL, rather than, say, SQLite? 
> Stroller.

Hi Stroller,

thank you for your help and answer.

May be your right: Why doing anything myself ?!

I want to use MySQL since it is already installed and used and dont
want to have n different databases programs for n different
applications which basically do all the same: gathering data...

Best regards and thank you again!

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