Apparently, though unproven, at 11:24 on Sunday 31 October 2010, Mick did 
opine thusly:

> I dual boot with MSWindows and therefore have set up my /etc/conf.d/clock
> to:
> CLOCK="local"
> TIMEZONE="Europe/London"
> SRM="no"
> ARC="no"
> I noticed this morning that the clock was still showing summer time (I
> rarely boot into MSWindows).
> I had to boot into MSWindows to check what happens there and the clock was
> showing the new winter time.  After that the Linux clock was also showing
> the updated winter time.
> Does this mean that twice a year when the clock changes I need to boot into
> MSWindows first to allow the time change to take place, or is there a Linux
> side fix for my dual boot set up?

gut feel tells me windows is broken.

All my calendars (electronic and dead-tree) tell me that daylight savings 
switches at the END of today not at the beginning

alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

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