pk <> [10-11-02 00:24]:
> On 2010-10-31 13:30, wrote:
> > has no timing parameter (see mail)...
> Yes, but I put it in a sub shell (cat ... &) and then kill it (using a
> very rough script that loops date). Basically what I do is:
> 1. set channel for a certain video adapter (I have two).
> 2. Use a script that loops date (with a 5 second interval) and when it
> hits the threshold starts a sub shell with 'cat /dev/video0 >
> filmname.mpg' and saves the PID in a filename with the same name but
> with a .pid ending instead.
> 3. Use a script that loops date and when it hits the threshold reads the
> PID of the cat process from the .pid file and kills it.
> Perhaps not the ideal way to solve a problem but it works for me without
> having to mess with something that can sing & dance while (hopefully)
> doing whatever I want it to do... and needing the kitchen sink for a
> minimal install.
> MfG
> Peter K

Hi Peter,

yes, the "killing thing" was my first idea also. But since it is
not that gentleman like, I asked here for another solution.
In the meanwhile I found this:

    tzap -r -H -t <duration in seconds> -o - <channelname from 
~/.tzap/channels.conf > "filename" 

records the stream into "filename". The redirection is necassary,
since tzap gets problems when trying to write more than 2Gigs of
streamed data.

I start this via fcron.


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