
Before someone asks "Haven't you posted this before?", I'll respond,
"Sort of, but not really!"

Anyway, I've reread all the previous posts.  Mostly, they were related
to the printer portion of the device.  The printer works fine.

The current problem is related to the scanner.  My previous post was
about not being able to use xsane as a normal user, it would only work
as root.  Since posting that, I've done upgrades to my system and for
months, the scanner won't work at all - not as a normal user nor as root.

I've tried reinstalling sane-backends and xsane using an unstable
version, but that didn't help the situation.  I've checked the kernel
configuration and that looks fine.

When installing sane-backends, after the normal USE="....", there is a
statement SANE-BACKENDS=" ... " where a number of devices are listed,
but none in the 4700 series.

I have no idea what is going on here.  I don't scan much, but tonight
when I desperately needed to scan I couldn't despite my best efforts.

BTW, I AM in the scanner group, so that is not the issue.  Whenever, I
try to run xsane as a normal user or root, I get the message "No device

Help would be appreciated.




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