It seems that the LDAP is failing to work, as well, in CentOS 5 --
same ldap.conf file that (a) fails in Gentoo, and (b) works in Ubuntu.

What's the best way to star troubleshooting this from a PAM perspective?

I have a debug line set at the bottom of the ldap.conf file, but that
doesn't seem to be giving me enough information. Also, I've set
'debug' at the end of every line in my /etc/pam.d/system-auth file, to
no avail. Nothing is showing up in /var/log/debug -- PAM indicates
that the 'debug' keyword sends messages to syslog for processing.

Thoughts / ideas would be greatly appreciated.


On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 06:22, Ward Poelmans <> wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 05:44, James <> wrote:
>> Things just got more interesting.
>> I just copied my /etc/ldap.conf file over from my Gentoo box to an
>> Ubuntu box -- it works without a single hitch.
>> I'm about to rip my hair out here...any ideas on where I can start
>> troubleshooting this?
> Put logging of PAM to the max and start looking in your pam logs. Your
> ldap seems fine.
> Ward

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