101106 Mick wrote:
> On Saturday 06 November 2010 09:19:49 Philip Webb wrote:
>> I'm a happy user of Fluxbox & Bbpager works well with it.
>> However, I can't get it to start directly after (re-)booting,
>> but have to do 'startx' twice, after which it appears in the slit.
>> I put it in the 'startup' file, where Gkrellm resides & starts properly;
>> putting it in '.xinitrc' doesn't seem to get it to start at all.
> I can't answer your question because I have never used a pager with FB.
> I usually scroll on the screen with my mouse to change desktops.

Yes, I have mouse-scroll set to change desktop on background or titlebar.

> I have found that FB is a bit temperamental with how it displays docapps.
> The order can be random at times.  It may be that Bbpager/Fbpager show up
> but are rendered underneath the Gkrellm and therefore you can't see them.
> When you restart they may be already in memory
> or their config file is cached and they start faster.
> I know that they should be stacked,
> but I've seen some odd behaviour with apps in the slit over the years.

Thanks: at least it's good to know I'm not alone (wry smile).

Putting Bbpager 1st in the list above Gkrellm makes no difference.
I tried increasing the 'sleep' line in 'startup' to  5 sec
& that causes a blank slit bar to appear across the screen bottom.

Any further thoughts from anyone are welcome.

SUPPORT     ___________//___,   Philip Webb
ELECTRIC   /] [] [] [] [] []|   Cities Centre, University of Toronto
TRANSIT    `-O----------O---'   purslowatchassdotutorontodotca

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