Am 15.11.2010 04:56, schrieb Dale:
> Hi,
> I have a niece that brought me her puter.  It's a HP with windoze XP on
> it.  I want to defrag the hard drive but the one that comes with windoze
> won't work.  Is there a free defrag tool that is safe on windoze?  I ask
> because I don't want to install something and not know what I am
> installing.  You know, some program with a nasty virus attached or
> something.
> I did Google and found a lot of tools but I'm not sure which one to
> trust.  If someone here has used one before and trusts the one they
> used, I would be happy to hear about it.
> Thanks.
> Dale
> :-)  :-)

Try jkdefrag [1] or its modern successor mydefrag [2]. I've worked with
jkdefrag for some time. I don't know mydefrag, though.

It's LGPL licensed. The GUI is a bit ugly but it has a lot of
functionality and can handle cases in which the Windows defragger
doesn't work. That mostly happens when the disk is nearly full.

AFAIK all free and commercial defraggers use the same API that the
Windows defragger provides, they just do their job more intelligent.


Hope this helps,
Florian Philipp

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