I have a main machine and a backup machine.  The main machine is 64-bit
and the backup is 32-bit, but otherwise very similar setup.  I
haven't updated the backup (32-bit machine) for a while, and decided to
do so today (115 packages emerge).  I normally...

emerge -pv --deep --update world | less

...before updating, to check for booby-traps.  Today, the output on the
backup machine blasted to screen, and did not stop until finished.
Meanwhile, the bottom of the screen shows "lines 1-4/4 (END) ".
Actually, it's 151 lines of output.  Similarly...

emerge -pv --deep --update world > x

...shows only 4 lines in file x, while the output blasted to the screen.

emerge -pv --deep --update world > x 2>&1

...does work, sending everything to file x.  That's how I know there are
151 lines of output in file x and output is going to stderr.  This
happens on only the backup machine, not the main machine.  It's not a
showstopper, and I can work around it.  Having said that, I'd like to do
a proper fix.

  The main quirk on my mcahines is that I start USE with "-*" on all my
machines.  This goes back to when the developers "in their infinite
wisdom", decided to make ipv6 a default USE flag.  It was not fun
watching Firefox and mplayer sit for 45 seconds until the IPV6 contact
attempt time out, before contacting remote sites with IPV4.

The machine is a bog-standard Dell D530 dual core. /proc/cpuinfo shows

> vendor_id       : GenuineIntel
> cpu family      : 6
> model           : 15
> model name      : Genuine Intel(R) CPU            2140  @ 1.60GHz
> stepping        : 2

  Any ideas?

Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>

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