Apparently, though unproven, at 01:36 on Friday 19 November 2010, Daniel D 
Jones did opine thusly:

> Has anyone running Gentoo tried this?  If so, what were your results?
> The instructions include adding the following command to .bashrc:
> mkdir -m 0700 /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/user/$$
> Under /sys/fs/, the only subdirectory I have is fuse.  It isn't clear to me
> if simply creating the entire tree will work or if some alteration is
> necessary for this to work under Gentoo.

cgroup is control group. I'll bet you don't have it included in your kernel.

It's under the first menu item in menuconfig.

The article doesn't mention it, it assumes you run redhat or ubuntu

alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

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