On 11/27/10 09:56, Mick wrote:
> On Saturday 27 November 2010 07:37:48 Alan McKinnon wrote:
>> Apparently, though unproven, at 08:39 on Saturday 27 November 2010, Hung
>> Dang
>> did opine thusly:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I am trying to get E17 on my computer using this guide
>>> http://en.gentoo-wiki.com/wiki/E17. I have also added source
>>> /var/lib/layman/make.conf to make.conf and update PORTDIR_OVERLAY="" to
>>> /var/lib/layman/make.conf. After that I try to emerge elightenment and
>>> can only get x11-wm/enlightenment-1.0.7. When I try to log in to
>>> enlightenment I can only get E16.
>>> Any idea?
>>> Thanks in advance
>>> Hung
>> You didn't unmask/keyword anything, so you are getting the window manager
>> in portage, which is e16.
>> To get e17 you need to get it from an overlay. The only overlay that
>> actually works right now is
>> http://svn.enlightenment.org/svn/e/trunk/packaging/gentoo
>> vapier's overlay was out of date, is now being updated and is in a state of
>> flux, i.e. constantly breaking and changing.
>> I've never heard of the overlay on the gentoo-wiki page.
>> To use the e17 window manager you *must* install the -9999 efl libs from
>> svn. The e17 ebuild does not cater for the -beta2 versions.
> I'm not sure that efl overlay is still required to run E17.  I just today 
> moved from efl to the enlightenment overlay (Vapier's).  I had to keyword all 
> necessary E17 packages as -9999 ** to be able to install stuff, or the E16 
> packages were being drawn in.  The enlightenment overlay seems to be a couple 
> of months behind efl judging by the bugs that I thought were already resolved.
> Some packages (e.g. epdf) will not build because dependencies are missing and 
> what not, but the following packages were able to emerge without problems and 
> give (me) a functioning desktop:
> ===============================
> emerge -aDv dev-libs/ecore dev-libs/e_dbus dev-libs/eet dev-libs/eina dev-
> libs/embryo dev-libs/efreet media-libs/edje media-libs/ethumb media-libs/evas 
> x11-wm/enlightenment media-libs/emotion dev-libs/eeze
> These are the packages that would be merged, in order:
> Calculating dependencies... done!
> [ebuild   R   ] dev-libs/eina-9999  USE="mempool-chained mempool-pass-through 
> mmx nls sse sse2 threads (-altivec) -debug -default-mempool -doc -mempool-
> buddy -mempool-ememoa-fixed -mempool-ememoa-unknown -mempool-fixed-bitmap -
> static-libs" 0 kB [1]
> [ebuild   R   ] dev-libs/embryo-9999  USE="nls -doc -static-libs" 0 kB [1]
> [ebuild   R   ] dev-libs/eet-9999  USE="nls ssl threads -debug -doc -examples 
> -gnutls -static-libs" 0 kB [1]
> [ebuild   R   ] media-libs/evas-9999  USE="X cache eet fontconfig gif jpeg 
> mmx 
> nls opengl png sse svg threads tiff xcb xpm (-altivec) -bidi -directfb -doc -
> fbcon -gles -sdl -static-libs" 0 kB [1]
> [ebuild   R   ] dev-libs/ecore-9999  USE="X curl evas glib inotify nls opengl 
> ssl threads xcb xinerama xprint xscreensaver -ares -directfb -doc -fbcon -
> gnutls -sdl -static-libs -tslib" 0 kB [1]
> [ebuild   R   ] media-libs/edje-9999  USE="nls -cache -debug -doc 
> -static-libs 
> -vim-syntax" 0 kB [1]
> [ebuild   R   ] dev-libs/efreet-9999  USE="nls -doc -static-libs" 0 kB [1]
> [ebuild   R   ] dev-libs/eeze-1.0.0_beta2  USE="nls -doc -static-libs" 0 kB 
> [0]
> [ebuild   R   ] media-libs/emotion-9999  USE="gstreamer nls xine -doc -static-
> libs" 0 kB [1]
> [ebuild   R   ] dev-libs/e_dbus-9999  USE="bluetooth connman hal libnotify 
> nls 
> -doc -ofono -static-libs -ukit" 0 kB [1]
> [ebuild   R   ] media-libs/ethumb-9999  USE="dbus emotion nls -doc -epdf" 0 
> kB 
> [1]
> [ebuild   R   ] x11-wm/enlightenment-9999  USE="acpi bluetooth 
> e_modules_battery e_modules_clock e_modules_comp e_modules_conf-applications 
> e_modules_conf-borders e_modules_conf-clientlist e_modules_conf-colors 
> e_modules_conf-desk e_modules_conf-desklock e_modules_conf-desks 
> e_modules_conf-dialogs e_modules_conf-display e_modules_conf-dpms 
> e_modules_conf-edgebindings e_modules_conf-engine e_modules_conf-fonts 
> e_modules_conf-icon-theme e_modules_conf-imc e_modules_conf-interaction 
> e_modules_conf-intl e_modules_conf-keybindings e_modules_conf-menus 
> e_modules_conf-mime e_modules_conf-mouse e_modules_conf-mouse-cursor 
> e_modules_conf-mousebindings e_modules_conf-paths e_modules_conf-performance 
> e_modules_conf-profiles e_modules_conf-scale e_modules_conf-screensaver 
> e_modules_conf-shelves e_modules_conf-startup e_modules_conf-theme 
> e_modules_conf-transitions e_modules_conf-wallpaper e_modules_conf-wallpaper2 
> e_modules_conf-window-display e_modules_conf-window-focus e_modules_conf-
> window-manipulation e_modules_conf-window-remembers e_modules_conf-winlist 
> e_modules_connman e_modules_cpufreq e_modules_dropshadow e_modules_everything 
> e_modules_everything-apps e_modules_everything-calc 
> e_modules_everything-files 
> e_modules_everything-settings e_modules_everything-windows e_modules_fileman 
> e_modules_fileman_opinfo e_modules_gadman e_modules_ibar e_modules_ibox 
> e_modules_illume2 e_modules_mixer e_modules_msgbus e_modules_pager 
> e_modules_start e_modules_syscon e_modules_systray e_modules_temperature 
> e_modules_winlist e_modules_wizard exchange hal nls pam spell udev -doc -
> e_modules_illume -e_modules_ofono -static-libs" 0 kB [1]
> Total: 12 packages (12 reinstalls), Size of downloads: 0 kB
> Portage tree and overlays:
>  [0] /usr/portage
>  [1] /var/lib/layman/enlightenment
> Would you like to merge these packages? [Yes/No]
> ===============================
> HTH the OP.
> PS.  Alan, are you saying that all the new beta packages are for e16 only?
Hi Mick,

Could you tell us more detail about what you have done? I cannot find
any good guide about E17 from web.


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