Jake Moe <jakesaddr...@gmail.com> writes:

>> > I know I can look in fstab... but that is something of a crap shoot
>> > since it is user configured.
>> So? It should not be touchable by human hands unless they have root.
>> The only way this would change is if someone changed it, and you can
>> easily track who with sudo and modification times etc.

Next time don't say So? in such a impolite manner...

That was my point, fstab might be handwritten as opposed to coming
from hardware recognition tools.

>> > So what commands will show real devices not makebelieve baloney, and
>> > allow me to see the usage devices are put to?

>> Next time ask nicely. What is so hard about saying "Im a bit lost, how
>> do i find the device that this points to".

Err... I think your concept of what is `not nice' could stand a little
tweaking ... hehe.

> Out of curiousity, why don't I have a "rootfs" entry?

Carefull there... you may not get any answers due to your harsh usage
of `curiousity'.  Next time say: I'm probably just an idiot and have
thoroughly trashed my machine due to foolish blundering but ....

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