On Wednesday 15 December 2010 12:39:27 Dale wrote:
> Pintér Tibor wrote:
> > how about just checking the bloody Xorg logs to see what could have gone
> > wrong? (/var/log/Xorg.0.log)
> That's where the errors came from that I posted in my first post.  Here
> is the results of the latest test.  I shut down the rig and unplugged
> the rig and monitor.  Glad to see the monitor switched back to English
> too.  It was Chinese or something.  Anyway.  Before the shutdown, I
> rebuilt the kernel, re-emerged the nvidia drivers and did a manual
> switch on opengl to nvidia.  I let the rig sit there unplugged for about
> 30 minutes.  I then booted it up.  BIOS came up, I saw the services
> scroll up then it switched to vt7 and gave me a blinking cursor.  It
> just sat there.
> I'm attaching both the new just tried xorg.conf and the xorg.log file.
> No grep or anything this time.
> Let me know if you see anything fishy or that needs changing.
> Thanks.
> Dale
> :-)  :-)

this page might also give a hint:

Do you have "/dev/shm" on your system?


Ps. the third hit on google is this thread

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