On Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 6:41 AM, Allan Gottlieb <gottl...@nyu.edu> wrote:
> To summarize
> 1.  All is running fine but.
> 2.  deplcean wants to remove hal and when it does xdm will not run.
> 3.  I have run emerge world with --newuse, and have run revdep-rebuild,
>    and have remerged xdm.
> 4.  Currently I just refuse depclean's offer to remove hal, halinfo, and
>    dmidecode.
> My plan is to stay like this until xorg 1.9 hits ~amd64 since I believe
> at that time hal is going away and hence xdm won't need it.
> Does this sound reasonable?

To me, yes. If you make a mistake and depclean hal by mistake then it
seems you can get it back in.

> allan
> PS  Why is no one else having this problem?

I don't use xdm?

Granted, it seems my current state is a bit strange. There is a lot of
stuff on my system that says it depends on hal, but then again i don't
start it explicitly. Other things apparently do however:

c2stable ~ # equery depends hal
[ Searching for packages depending on hal... ]
app-cdr/k3b-2.0.0 (sys-apps/hal)
app-emulation/vmware-workstation- (sys-apps/hal)
app-misc/hal-info-20090716 (>=sys-apps/hal-0.5.10)
gnome-base/gnome-applets-2.30.0-r1 (battstat & hal? >=sys-apps/hal-0.5.3)
gnome-base/gnome-vfs-2.24.3-r1 (hal? >=sys-apps/hal-0.5.7)
gnome-base/gvfs-1.6.4-r2 (hal? >=sys-apps/hal-0.5.10)
gnome-extra/gnome-power-manager-2.30.1 (hal? >=sys-apps/hal-0.5.9)
kde-base/solid-4.4.5 (hal? sys-apps/hal)
media-libs/libgphoto2-2.4.9 (hal? >=sys-apps/hal-0.5)
x11-base/xorg-server-1.7.7-r1 (hal? sys-apps/hal)
x11-drivers/xf86-input-virtualbox-3.2.12 (hal? sys-apps/hal)
xfce-base/exo-0.3.107 (hal? sys-apps/hal)
xfce-base/thunar-1.0.2 (hal? sys-apps/hal)
c2stable ~ # rc-update show
            bootmisc | boot
             checkfs | boot
           checkroot | boot
               clock | boot
         consolefont | boot
                dbus |      default
            hostname | boot
             keymaps | boot
               local |      default nonetwork
          localmount | boot
             modules | boot
            net.eth0 |      default
              net.lo | boot
            netmount |      default
          ntp-client |      default
                ntpd |      default
           rmnologin | boot
                sshd |      default
           syslog-ng |      default
      udev-postmount |      default
             urandom | boot
          vixie-cron |      default
              vmware |      default
                 xdm |      default
c2stable ~ # /etc/init.d/hald status
 * status:  started
c2stable ~ #

   I sort of figure that one of these days I'll see what I can build
that uses it today without it and then see how things go. In the short
terms it's sort of 'it ain't broke so...'

Note that I don't 'try' to use hal. It just shows up. I don't ask for
it in package.use and it's supposedly disabled in make.conf. Ah, the
mysteries of Life... ;-)

c2stable ~ # cat /etc/portage/package.use | grep hal
c2stable ~ # cat /etc/make.conf | grep hal
USE="nptl nptlonly -ipv6 fortran unicode -hal dbus X -bluetooth
-esound -timidity -cups -java gnome gstreamer kde qt4 qt3support -arts
-eds pngi policykit"
c2stable ~ #


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