On Monday 27 December 2010 11:37:29 Mark David Dumlao wrote:
> I want to do this:
> http://blog.internetnews.com/skerner/2010/11/forget-200-lines-red-hat-speed
> .html
> in userspace, but automate it at boot time. it requires that I create and
> mount the cgroup subsystem in sysfs and sounds a lot like something that
> I'd do in sysctl for /proc/sys, but for sysfs rather than procfs.
> The only thing that comes to mind is to append to the local init script,
> but it's so close to what sysctl does that I feel like someone's probably
> written some tool for it. Is there one?

If there is, I haven't seen it.  Perhaps you can try adding it to 
/etc/conf.d/local.start and report back if it behaves as expected?

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