Peter Humphrey writes:

> On Monday 27 December 2010 15:47:19 Dale wrote:
> > Some people do use tar especially if it is over a network or
> > something like that.  I don't have the command tho since I never
> > used it.
> Just for completeness:
> (cd [source] && tar cpf - . | (cd [dest] && tar xpf - ) )
> (I think).
> Would someone here please tell me what the rhs should be if the
> destination is at the other end of a network link?

What Maciej said. Or, for greater security when the destination is outside 
the LAN:

cd [source] & tar xpf - . | ssh [us...@[host] 'cd [dest] && tar xpf -'

There's also the -C option for tar to change the directory, but it's not 
really needed.


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