LANG=en_US.UTF-8 ls /usr/lib64/aspell-0.60/f*

and the only difference was whether "f\ufffdroyskt.alias" was first or
last in the listing.  It still displayed the unicode char as "\ufffd".

So supposing I set LANG=en_US.UTF-8 and do nothing else.  Will it
simply change how "unusual" file names are displayed, will it change
how future file names are created, will it affect any text files I now
have, or ones I create from now on?

In other words, will it mess up what I have?

 Dr. Finchly,

Creating files and getting them to show the correct glyph is very different
from your terminal doing so. In the kernel there is a setting for which
locales your FILESYSTEMS understand and can grok/display. You may choose to
let your terminal display those glyphs or not. Applications use the same
LANG and LC_ thingies to decipher what your system is trying to do, so make
sure you understand the difference between the two.

Usually, setting LANG to en_US.UTF-8 or en_GR.UTF-8 is sufficient. You'll
probably still just use ASCII for your filename characters. So any
applications like web browsers will have access to all those locales that
you have listed in your /etc/locale.gen file.

Your filesystems are different. You can load modules for them but usually
you just load UTF-8 and ASCII and the main ISO-8859-1 or -15 or -whatever
and you're set to display funky filenames.

Easy way:

/etc/env.d$ cat 02locale

So, just make some kind of locale file in /etc/env.d and you're set.
Recompile any nls-dependent apps and Bob's your uncle.

Bill Longman

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