Alan McKinnon <> writes:

> Apparently, though unproven, at 02:13 on Thursday 13 January 2011, Nuno J. 
> Silva did opine thusly:
>> Well, I think it's still possible to use INT13 for disk access :-)
> You horrible person.
> I just went 13 years without hearing that thing's name mentioned not even 
> once.

Wait? You hear about INT13 for the first time in 13 years, in January
13? What a shame it's not Friday...

> You have just broken that winning streak.
> You are a horrible person.

You may have a point here, but I'd blame the guy who conceived it ;-)

<sarcasm> But, please understand! I want to be able to boot and use
MS-DOS 4 on my brand-new eight-core 3GHz 8GiB RAM machine! Emulators are
*slow*! </sarcasm>

Nuno J. Silva

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