I put Gentoo on my mom's computer.  I got tired of her asking me questions 
about her computer concerning the Windows OS, so I installed an OS *I* could 
help her maintain, and not feel disgusted with.  Just wanted to share that...

Has anyone else out there put Gentoo on their parents computers?

> Date: Thu, 4 Aug 2005 10:50:17 -0400
> From: Michael Crute <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> At the expense of sounding like an "Elitist Chowderhead" I kind of agree=20
> with Chris. I'm fairly new to Gentoo (but not to Linux). I came from Fedora=
> =20
> and must say that personally Gentoo makes way more sense and pisses me off=
> =20
> far less than any RedHat distro. But that said I would never recommend=20
> Gentoo to a noob unless they where just as geeky as I. I would rather see=
> =20
> normal people use distros like Mandriva and Linspire then graduate to Gento=
> o=20
> when and if they are ready than to have them start at Gentoo then get pisse=
> d=20
> off at their own inability to make the thing work and go back to Windoze.=
> =20
> Just my $0.02, take it for what it's worth.
> -Mike

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