On 01/19/2011 06:46 AM, dan blum wrote:
I upgraded my xorg from 1.76 to 1.9 yesterday, including downloading the
most recent drivers. When the new system did not work, I checked the
xorg log (attached) and I thought that the problem was the mode setting.
So in the kernel, I "enabled the modesetting by default" and now the
card does not send any signals to the screen at all.

I can go back to the old kernel settings. But does anyone know what was
the initial problem, and what needs to be done to correct this.

Thanks for any advice.

You seem to be using kernel 2.6.32. That *might* be the problem. Try 2.6.36.

Other than that, the usual stuff applies: Delete your xorg.conf (so that X.Org can automatically configure everything) and make sure you don't have VESAFB enabled in the kernel.

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