Hi there!

I'm using various versions of NX to access remote servers. Normally I
use FreeNX, but sometimes NX from nomachine.org, and I also gave Neatx a
try, depending on which OS I am using - I do this with Gentoo, Fedora,
Ubuntu and openSUSE. This does not work too well. For example, I
regularly have to issue a 'nxserver --cleanup' to kill existing sessions
in order to be able to log in again. There are servers where I could not
log in with NX at all, although it used to work a while ago. Sometimes I
only have to try the login for several times, and suddenly it works if I
am lucky.
Sometimes I have no success at all, then I try another product. On
Gentoo, FreeNX seemed to work somehow, but only if I keep my session -
when I close the initial application (xterm), I have to clean the
session before I can log in again. Resuming works okay though.
And now I just setup a new Gentoo machine, and FreeNX does not work at
all - I can connect, the session seems to start, but no window opens.

As FreeNX seems to be dead, I thought I'd give x2go a try. Did anyone
have sucess with this? I don't even find proper documentation on how to
actually use it. According to [1], the Gentoo documentation is [2]. The
last comments state that there is no /etc/init.d/x2goserver script to
start the server. Looks like a bug to me, but maybe it is not needed at all?

What are these various x2go* commands for? Even the x2go wiki [3] does
not document the x2goserver* commands.

When I try to connect, I get this error message:

Verbindung fehlgeschlagen weird: Unable to connect:
/home/wonko/.x2go/ssh/socaskpass-Ds5896 Unable to connect:
/home/wonko/.x2go/ssh/socaskpass-Ds5896 Unable to connect:
/home/wonko/.x2go/ssh/socaskpass-Ds5896 Permission denied

Then I specify my DSA key, I still have to enter my password, but I do
not get the error message. And that's it, syslog says x2gopgwrapper has
no tty present and no askpass programm was specified. I guess it wants
my SSH passphrase then.

Does it actually work for anyone? Does someone have pointers to a howto?
Is it actually worth to invest time here, or is x2go just not ready yet?
What would be the best solution? What do you prefer?

[1] http://www.x2go.org/index.php?id=6
[2] http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=249600
[3] http://wiki.x2go.org/


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