Michael Crute wrote:
Have you seen the build host tutorial on the wiki? http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Create_A_Build_Host

to put it politely, this how-to is misleading.  It should be removed.

problem 1: assumes automounter works. I was not able to get automounter to function and had to resort to normal NFS mounts. I verified with a few people outside of the Linux community that automounter is problematic no matter who's you use.

problem 2: does not tell you which directories to create. I've had to determine that experimentally as I've gone along. I'll probably document on the second machine install.

Problem 3: inadequate chroot environment set up. As a result, Shell scripts that should run chrooted don't. In fact, they just don't run.

that is as far as I've gotten. Until I solved the chroot problem, I'm pretty well stopped.

I think this how-to is a good example of a really bad how to. Yes it is perfectly acceptable to say "go look here" when dealing with something essential to the how-to that was previously documented. But you must put the reference to other documentation in context including context specific debugging sequences. That would have saved me hours with the automounter because I would have known to to quit far earlier and gone to a more reliable system (assuming NFS is reliable).

as I solve problems, I will probably post the documentation here.

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