Dear list,

I want to build up a NFS share for several host.
The base system is always equal, only some files are different (files in /etc and /var, maybe more).

The structure should look like:
Base system is on /basesystem

Then I want a directory for every host:

Client 1 will boot via lan and mount the /nfsroot/host1 via NFS.
On the server the mount could look like:
mount -t nullfs /basesystem /nfsroot/host1
mount -t nullfs /basesystem /nfsroot/host2

If the host1 changes now a file the changed file is not stored in /basesystem but in /nfsroot/host1. (so you can think about a filesystem in two layers, the ground layer is /basesystem and readonly, changes will go to /nfsroot/hostn)

If i upgrade the /basesystem all files should be available for all hosts expect the files the host changed by itself (they are stored in the nfsroot/hostn directory).

In FreeBSD there is a file system available called nullfs which could be used for this.
Is there a similar filesystem for Linux available, too?


"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the universe is winning." -- Rich Cook

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