On 01/26/2011 01:25 PM, meino.cra...@gmx.de wrote:
> Hi,
> is it possible to configure Spamassassin to filter out spam-mail,
> if the mail contains certain keywords and/or the subject line match
> a certain pattern without diving too deep into the source and the
> ruleset of spamassassin?

The rules are generally just regular expressions. From 20_phrases.cf:


and from 72_active.cf:

  header DRUGS_HDIA       Subject =~ /\bhoodia\b/i

Once you have rules defined, you give them a score. From 50_scores.cf:

  score DRUGS_HDIA 0

You can add descriptions too if you want, just copy whatever the S.A.
signatures do. You can stick them in any (loaded) cf file.

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