On Sat, Jan 29, 2011 at 7:12 AM, Volker Armin Hemmann
<volkerar...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> On Saturday 29 January 2011 13:29:53 Florian Philipp wrote:
>> Hi list!
>> I'm thinking about building a new media PC and wanted to use an ASUS
>> M4A88T-M/USB3 mainboard (link: [1]). Any objections to this?
> I wouldn't buy an Asus board at the moment, thanks to their crappyness.
> I bought a GA-880GA-UD3H 4 weeks ago. It works.
> rtl8111d/e lan chip
> usb3
> lots of pcie slots.
> note: you don't have to care about the realtek suffices. 8111d/e/whatever...
> they just work
Nice looking MB, good price.

Only caveat I see is the same problem I had with an Intel MB where 90
degree SATA outputs didn't work well for me in a tight HTPC case I did
recently. In a standard case no problems.

- Mark

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