On Tue, Feb 1, 2011 at 12:20 PM, Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Neil Bothwick wrote:
>> On Tue, 1 Feb 2011 05:48:32 -0800 (PST), BRM wrote:
>>> If the machine is not fast enough - mine is a PII 233 w/160 MB RAM,
>>> takes a while do to updates - then you really have to separate out what
>>> you are hosting from what you are using. Otherwise you end up in the
>>> situation that you have started one system update (or software
>>> install), have a build failure for whatever reason, and then can't
>>> complete the same one due to changes in the local copy of portage.
>> You can still use emerge -sync instead of a home brewed script. In make
>> conf, set SYNC to localhost, then in your cron job, do
>> SYNC="some gentoo rsync mirror" emerge --sync
>>> So, even if your system fell into the first situation - where it is
>>> fast enough
>>> - then I would still recommend doing the little extra to run as the
>>> second situation. It's just far easier to maintain.
>> I've been using a single portage tree to serve a LAN and for use by the
>> host for years with no hint of any of the problems you suggest. I just
>> make sure the cron job on the server syncs earlier than the rest of the
>> LAN and everything is up to date.
> I used to have four computers a good while back.  Back then, I synced my
> main rig then synced the others off it.  This was several years ago.  I
> don't use a cron job or anything to do this, just some old fashioned typing.
>  I don't recall ever having trouble with it syncing to my main rig.  Did I
> mention it was a very old Compaq 200MHz CPU machine with a whopping 128MBs
> of ram?  Thing looks like a filing cabinet.
> To me, it seems the OP is making something complicated when it is just not
> needed.  If you want to use cron jobs, set the main rig to sync a hour
> before the others would be set to sync against it.  If the rig that syncs to
> Gentoo servers is to slow, set them two hours apart.  From my understanding,
> you get the same tree all the way around.
> Giving some more thought, I once put /usr/portage on nfs.  I sync once and
> all the systems used the same copy of the tree.  The other way worked out to
> be easier tho.  I seem to recall the need for running emerge --metadata too.
>  That took a while on the old Compaq.  lol
> Dale
> :-)  :-)

The trick I've been using for... a couple years now, across various
machines (no cron involved), is syncing one box that shares portage
*and* my distfiles on nfs, portage R/O, distfiles R/W, then when it's
done syncing and starts its own metadata update, hop across all the
others and do an emerge --metadata. Once each one finishes, run
through their individual updates. Because distfiles is shared, and
portage's distfile locking is done right... I download each tarball of
sources exactly once, even when 5-6 machines might share the same one.
I've been quite pleased by that... even more handy is the shared git
pull of wine that I build against on 3 different boxes (I tend to
stagger those rebuilds though, haven't risked finding out if that
would clash).

Poison [BLX]
Joshua M. Murphy

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