daniel wrote:
Thanks for all of your suggestions, LDAP has been recommended to already, though it came with the warning "it's an ugly beast" so I'm not really thrilled with the idea of adopting it.

Actually, our company is rather small (<40 people). I've been asked to learn how to do this to replicate a setup that's already been done but we're trying to replace. Initially though, the 4 server setup is meant just to block spam and I was told that the numbers of email spam are so crazy that we needed this setup. Am I right in assuming that from your comments that you don't feel this should be the case for a company of this size?

Heh, a Celeron desktop would be more than enough. :) Well maybe something just a bit faster.

I'd recommend reading the following link. It details a number of easy spam filtering techniques. It's Sendmail based, but again just about any of it can done on any other MTA once you know the concept. The author is also using very conservative hardware specs so you get an idea of exactly what sort of resources it might use on your system.

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